Kaleidoscopes! More Than Meets The Eye.

“To us, the turning of a kaleidoscope symbolizes the rearranging of stored information to constantly create new patterns- new approaches to problem solving; different colors change patterns of feelings.”- Ned Herrmann

Kaleidoscopes are more than merely just an optical stimulus of cool colors and changing shapes. Did you know that these little gadgets have many practical uses? For many, the kaleidoscope is a joyous celebration of color. For others, a kaleidoscope is a great meditative device. When kaleidoscopes are used in color meditation, this type of mediation involves mentally recalling a color and then concentrating on it. The kaleidoscope’s images represent possibilities, opportunities, and horizons that are often created by disorder and chaos. A kaleidoscope can help stabilize emotions, by calming the view with a visual experience of soothing colors.

Kaleidoscopes are often used in therapy to help soothe and stimulate a patient. Medical research has revealed that many illnesses are caused by stress. Stress is destructive to our wellness, and often to our mind. Kaleidoscopes can help calm our stress by offering us a soothing viewing experience that stirs our imaginations and present an endless variety of form and color combinations. When you purchase a kaleidoscope, you aren’t merely buying a toy or mantle piece, you’re buying peace of mind and an experience. When thinking of buying a kaleidoscope, remember there is much more than meets the eye!

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