Monthly Archives: July 2015

July Kaleidoscope Updates

July has brought heat and humidity to North Iowa.  Everything is very lush and green and as we approach late summer, the corn is tasseling and the grasses are going to seed.

The green growth is starting to put its energies into fruits and seeds.


And at Kaleidoscopes To You , we are putting our energies into updating our inventories and website.  When we have new pieces, we upload a link to the What’s New Section.  Here you can find our most recent uploads such as new designs by artists like these beautiful Egg Kaleidoscopes by Frank Casciani or vintage pieces that are new to us.


We are also catching up on some videos for demonstrating our kaleidoscopes as well.  Catch our most recent videos on our YouTube Channel.  Some fabulous pieces by Fumie Ino have recently arrived including some of her beautiful Japanese lacquerware.


Please enjoy browsing and seeing what is new this July at Kaleidoscopes To You.  We know that we enjoy browsing while relaxing within the comfort of air conditioning when the humidity is 90% and higher.