Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas 2022

Yes, it’s time to think about Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for 2022. (February 14 for the date challenged) which is only a few short weeks away! Don’t disappoint that special person by putting off a purchase and perhaps sadly forgetting. For your special lady, we might suggest the “Hearts and Flowers” sterling silver kaleidoscope necklaces, which are currently on sale for Valentine’s Day. This handmade wearable art by the kaleidoscope artisans Kevin and Deborah Healy shows the artistry of this talented husband and wife team. She will enjoy the brilliance of the kaleidoscope with the stunning, bright pieces of glass inside, including unique sea glass pieces that really add depth and dimension to the image. You can see a video of “Hearts and Flowers” and more information about this exclusive kaleidoscope necklace by clicking here:

Now, if you’re looking for a special guy, we have many other selections in brass or wood. You can shop in the comfort of your own home, in the snow and cold outside is frightful. For brass selections see this link,

and for wood kaleidoscopes for your special fellow see here.

And of course, don’t forget to get a few kaleidoscopes for the kids!

Have a Happy Valentine’s Day from All of us at Kaleidoscopes To You

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