Inspiration from Kaleidoscope Artists

There are times I think artists have more inspiration than could ever be contained within a kaleidoscope.

Take for example Judith Paul and Tom Durden. Many a theme have been put into play within a scope and always successfully. This couple combines Judith’s color palate which is professionally trained in over 30 000 shades and hues for painting restoration and Tom’s engineering skills from the aircraft industry to create truly incredible kaleidoscopes.

Look at Monet’s Japanese Garden.

Monet\'s Japanese Bridge Exterior

Monet's Japanese Bridge Exterior

This unique mirror system creates a bridge shaped mandala image forever unfolding. The color palette is superb showing every vibrant and pastel shade of lavender and pinks to bloom with new images within this scope.

Monet\'s Japanese Bridge Interior Image

Monet's Japanese Bridge Interior Image

Then, if the simplicity of the execution is too subtle for your taste, try some excess with Lumiere This parlor design is lit from within by multiple LED lights and every corner is encrusted with white dichroic glass. This design absolutely shimmers inside and out.

Lumiere Parlor Kaleidoscope by Judith Paul and Tom Durden

Lumiere Parlor Kaleidoscope by Judith Paul and Tom Durden

The internal LED’s are aimed directly into the object cell which makes the dichroic just glisten as it dances within the kaleidoscope by kaleidoscope artists Judith Paul and Tom Durden.
Interior Image of Lumiere Kaleidoscope

Interior Image of Lumiere Kaleidoscope

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