Kaleidoscope Artist Highlight: Tomoo Hosono

When Scottish lens maker and light experimenter David Brewster invented the first kaleidoscope in 1816, he could not have imagined that the fanciful toy would still be popular some 200 years later. While Brewster did indeed patent his invention the following year, there were problems with the paperwork and before long many other toy makers and craftsmen were making kaleidoscopes, too.

Kaleidoscopes were quite the craze back in the days of Queen Victoria. All the best parlors had at least one. Optical toys were popular with children and adults alike. The popularity of kaleidoscopes comes and goes. Today there is a happy resurgence of interest in colorful kaleidoscopes. Popular once again as toys for children, upscale kaleidoscopes are now in vogue as executive amusements, as well.

Over the years, many kaleidoscopes have been produced but none are more beautiful than those handcrafted by Japanese artisan Tomoo Hosono. Kaleidoscopes to You is pleased to present a remarkable range of Japanese kaleidoscopes that are unlike any you’ll find anywhere else.

Each Tomoo Hosono steel-encased kaleidoscope is a work of art in its own right. If your only experience with kaleidoscopes has been flimsy devices made with cheap cardboard and inferior mirrors, you’re sure to be quite taken with the elegant, artistic Japanese kaleidoscopes that are listed for sale in the Kaleidoscopes to You online catalog.

Japanese Kaleidoscopes

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