Tag Archives: Collier Kaleidoscope

Value of Kaleidoscopes

Value is a concept I’ve been thinking about recently. Value is not the price you pay but what greater benefits you receive for the product for which you parted with some of your treasure.
We are often asked what creates a great value in a kaleidoscope. Value comes from quality materials, good construction, an aesthetic quality that is personal as well as the rarity of the piece.
Some friends were Facebook chatting about a $50 butter dish from a high end kitchen retailer. For $50, you could select a Spirit Kaleidoscope by the Collier Studios. This scope creates great value by using ABS plastic for the housing and FeMo clay for the interior object cells. No skimping on the mirror system or optics however and you have a great scope with a 2 mirror system.
by the Colliers”]Charcoal Spirit Interior Image by the Colliers[/caption]

Spirit Kaleidoscope by the Colliers

Spirit Kaleidoscope by the Colliers

For $100 (or a bit more), you can get a decent pair of shoes. For that same price, you could select a fabulous stained glass kaleidoscope by a number of artists such as Kathleen Hunt, David Sugich or Joanne Jacobs.

For $200, you can have a great meal in a great restaurant with fabulous wine. Or you can have an extraordinary signed, unique piece of art by Judith Paul or kaleidoscope jewelry by the Healy’s.

Healy Sterling Silver Kaleidoscope Necklaces

Healy Sterling Silver Kaleidoscope Necklaces

So value is your own personal judgment as to what is precious to you. Here at Kaleidoscopes To You, we search out the best values in scopes so that you have the best balance of optics, art and price in your kaleidoscopic experience.

Art Inspired by Spring Weather and Breezes

Springtime! It came early to us at Kaleidoscopes To You. March was the warmest on record here.

Tulips are blooming and the lilacs are budding a full month early. Azaleas here usually bloom on Mother’s Day. Azaleas were in full bloom on Palm Sunday this year!

The Cherry Blossom Kaleidoscopes are fabulous scope to celebrate the rebirth of spring.

Peggy and Steve Kittleson create an incredible kaleidoscope with Cherry Blossoms inside and out.

Cherry Blossom Glass Kaleidoscope by Kittlesons

Cherry Blossom Glass Kaleidoscope by Kittlesons

Interior Sculpted Cherry Blossom interior image

Interior Sculpted Cherry Blossom interior image

Here’s a link to some video of this incredible scope.
Cherry Blossom Kaleidoscope by Kittlesons at Kaleidoscopes To You

Now as gorgeous as the Kittleson’s version of the Cherry Blossom is, it does not fit every shopping budget. We have another Cherry Blossom kaleidoscope that does fit any budget. Collier Studios has created a version of the Spirit Kaleidoscope that features the Cherry Blossom theme also.

Collier Cherry Blossom Exterior

Collier Cherry Blossom Exterior

Collier Cherry Blossom Interior Image

Collier Cherry Blossom Interior Image

As winter fades away and spring takes hold, we are inspired to try new things. Being involved with art, color and movement, beautiful art mobiles are a new item we are beginning to feature. Joel Hotchkiss has incredbly well crafted and well balanced mobiles that dance ever so slightly with the air movement in your home or office.

Lumen in Green by Joel Hotchkiss

Lumen in Green by Joel Hotchkiss

Lumen Kinetic Art by Joel Hotchkiss at Kaleidoscopes To You

Holiday Elves are Humming along with a kaleidoscope…

Oh, we’re in the holiday spirit here at Kaleidoscopes To You!

We decorated with trees last week and strung some holiday lights! I even changed my Facebook Job title to Chief Holiday Elf! Planning a relaxing dinner with staff and their spouses this Saturday. We have had a unique year with the remodel and starting new work patterns and habits. This YouTube link
Warehouse Remodel on YouTube
shows the warehouse complete, but the offices hadn’t been finished out. Looking forward to a chance to relax and fellowship with everyone to celebrate the end of the remodel and the beginning of the BIG season!

This past weekend with orders was humming along and we have huge amounts of inventory arriving this week from N & J Enterprises, Collier Studios and hopefully Deborah and Kevin Healy, Joanne Jacobs and maybe even Corki Weeks.

Here’s a kaleidoscope we just received from Corki last week!
Corki Weeks Bead Parlor Kaleidoscope Video on YouTube

The scope shown below is the Cathedral Windows Trio scope by Collier – an incredible kaleidoscope value for gift giving this season! And a brand new design this year, so if you need a gift for a collector, you haven’t given this one yet!

Cathedral Windows Kaleidoscope by Collier

Cathedral Windows Kaleidoscope by Collier

I just made a phone call to double check our box order is ready for pickup. We have kaleidoscopes waiting for the inner box so they can get labeled and go on the shelf and be ready for shipping out to customers and gift recipients

So if you need Hannukah or Christmas gifts, now is the time to browse and shop while the selection is phenomenal and the shipping is easy. So dial up some Bing Crosby on iTunes and get to it!

Gearing up and stocking up for the 4th quarter!

We’ve all read the headlines. Markets are falling, then rising. Consumer confidence is down, consumer confidence is up!

It’s starting to sound like a Dr. Seuss book.

In the meantime, here at Kaleidoscopes To You, we keep doing what most of the economy is doing. We’re showing up and working hard. We are stocking the shelves and preparing for the holiday sales season. We conservatively optimistic.

I’m starting to pick out Christmas carols. Thinking about where to put up a Christmas Tree in our new office space.

So here’s a few of my favorite picks for Christmas this season at Kaleidoscopes To You.

Trio series is back and even better by the Colliers! Trio Kaleidoscopes by the Colliers at Kaleidoscopes To You
This kaleidoscope is amazing on the exterior and the interior.

Trio in Cathedral Windows Pattern

Trio in Cathedral Windows Pattern

Colliers offer an incredible value by incorporating 3 complete kaleidoscope into one tube with one object cell. This kaleidoscope also offers a rare circular or tubular mirror system which creates a vortex image.

Trio Circular Interior

Trio Circular Interior

For a holiday gift that makes them say “OMG how did they do that?!?!” , this is my favorite pick.
Dichro III by Charles Karadimos.

Dichro III by Karadimos

Dichro III by Karadimos

Dichro III Interior Image

Dichro III Interior Image

This kaleidoscope has days of slumping, fusing and lampworking of glass to make it happen. Check out the YouTube video to get a sense of how incredible this scope is.
Dichro III by Karadimos on YouTube